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Couverture de Just a Classic Minute: Gems from the Archive

Just a Classic Minute: Gems from the Archive

De : BBC Radio Comedy
Lu par : Nicholas Parsons, Paul Merton, Kenneth Williams, Peter Jones, Derek Nimmo, Various
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    24 archive editions of the much-loved BBC Radio 4 panel game chaired by Nicholas Parsons

    Like a treasured piece of furniture, Just a Minute has graced the living rooms and kitchens of radio listeners for more than 50 years. Comfortable, relaxing and easy to sink into, it has long been the seat of sparkling comedy, infectious laughter and intelligent humour. We invite you once again to enjoy the fine patina of another top-drawer collection of classic episodes.

    In these 24 previously unpublished editions, first broadcast between 1978 and 2009, the redoubtable players attempt to speak without hesitation, repetition or deviation from the given subject. Nicholas Parsons is in the chair, to introduce proceedings and adjudicate on challenges.

    Seasoned players Kenneth Williams, Peter Jones, Derek Nimmo and Paul Merton compete alongside guests including Bernard Cribbins, Sheila Hancock, Barry Cryer, Alfred Marks, Stanley Unwin, Richard Murdoch, Wendy Richard, Richard Morton, Tony Hawks, Graham Norton, Fred MacAulay, Greg Proops, Blythe Duff, Tim Rice, Jenny Eclair, Julian Clary, Kit Hesketh-Harvey, Linda Smith, Sue Perkins, Ross Noble, Charles Collingwood, Maureen Lipman, Pam Ayres, Dara O’Briain, Gyles Brandreth, Shappi Khorsandi and Ian McMillan.

    NB: Contains mild innuendo. The humour in these programmes sometimes reflects the era in which they were first broadcast. Due to the archive nature of some of the episodes, the sound quality may vary.

    Cast and credits
    Devised by Ian Messiter
    Chaired by Nicholas Parsons
    Episode selection by Michael Stevens
    Music: The Minute Waltz (Waltz in D Flat Major, Op. 64) by Chopin

    First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on the following dates:
    Episode Guide
    1 21 February 1978
    Featuring Bernard Cribbins, Sheila Hancock, Derek Nimmo, Kenneth Williams
    2 25 December 1979
    Featuring Peter Jones, Lance Percival, Derek Nimmo, Kenneth Williams
    3 11 August 1984
    Featuring Barry Cryer, Peter Jones, Tim Rice, Kenneth Williams
    4 16 May 1987
    Featuring Peter Jones, Derek NImmo, Tim Rice, Kenneth Williams
    5 30 May 1987
    Featuring Peter Jones, Alfred Marks, Tim Rice, Kenneth Williams
    6 2 May 1989
    Featuring Peter Jones, Derek Nimmo, Tim Rice, Stanley Unwin
    7 30 May 1989
    Featuring Peter Jones, Paul Merton, Richard Murdoch, Derek Nimmo
    8 24 March 1990
    Featuring Peter Jones, Paul Merton, Richard Murdoch, Wendy Richard
    9 30 January 1993
    Featuring Peter Jones, Paul Merton, Richard Morton, Derek Nimmo
    10 3 February 1996
    Featuring Tony Hawks, Peter Jones, Derek Nimmo, Graham Norton
    11 17 February 1996
    Featuring Tony Hawks, Peter Jones, Fred MacAulay, Derek Nimmo
    12 11 January 1997
    Featuring Peter Jones, Paul Merton, Neil Mullarkey, Derek Nimmo
    13 3 January 1998
    Featuring Paul Merton, Derek Nimmo, Graham Norton, Greg Proops
    14 10 August 1998
    Featuring Blythe Duff, Tony Hawks, Paul Merton, Derek Nimmo
    15 1 February 1999
    Featuring Jenny Eclair, Steve Frost, Peter Jones, Tim Rice
    16 5 February 2001
    Featuring Julian Clary, Kit Hesketh-Harvey, Paul Merton, Linda Smith
    17 6 August 2001
    Featuring Tony Hawks, Ross Noble, Sue Perkins, Tim Rice
    18 14 August 2006
    Featuring Charles Collingwood, Tony Hawks, Paul Merton, Sue Perkins
    19 16 July 2007
    Featuring Pam Ayres, Maureen Lipman, Paul Merton, Dara O’Briain
    20 17 September 2007
    Featuring Gyles Brandreth, Julian Clary, Jenny Eclair, Paul Merton
    21 14 January 2008
    Featuring Gyles Brandreth, Janey Godley, Tony Hawks, Kit Hesketh-Harvey
    22 11 August 2008
    Featuring Tony Hawks, Shappi Khorsandi, Ian McMillan, Paul Merton
    23 29 December 2008
    Featuring Charles Collingwood, Shappi Khorsandi, Paul Merton, Graham Norton
    24 21 September 2009
    Featuring Pam Ayres, Tony Hawks, Sue Perkins, Tim Rice

    ©2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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