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Couverture de Just Get Home

Just Get Home

De : Bridget Foley
Lu par : Abby Marks, LaQuita James
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    " much more than a thriller." (Josh Malerman, best-selling author of Bird Box and Malorie)

    "Hits the thriller trifecta: a natural disaster, danger around every corner, and compelling well-drawn characters." (Heather Gudenkauf, New York Times best-selling author)

    A one-more-page, up-all-night story about two strangers who need each other's help to survive the night after a devastating earthquake shakes Los Angeles.

    Beegie is riding the bus when the quake hits. The teenager was heading back to her unhappy foster home, but then she’s thrown into a broken world. Roads crumble, storefronts shatter and people run wild.

    Dessa, a single mom, is enjoying a rare night out when it strikes. Cell towers are down, so without even knowing if her three-year-old daughter is dead or alive, she races to get back across town.

    As danger escalates in the chaotic streets, Beegie and Dessa meet by a twist of fate and an act of violence. The two form a fragile partnership, relying on each other in ways they never thought possible, and learn who they really are when there’s only one goal: just get home.

    "A flat-out thriller [that is] also smart and insightful on timely, important ideas.... Heartbreaking and complicated in the best way.... This is addictive reading that changes you as you turn the pages and stays with you long after you’ve finished." (Laurie Frankel, New York Times best-selling author of This Is How It Always Is)

    ©2021 Bridget Foley (P)2020 Harlequin Enterprises, Limited

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