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Couverture de Judith's Blood

Judith's Blood

De : D.W. Hitz
Lu par : Joshua Manning
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    Easy thought the battle for Judith’s future was won, but he’s only scratched the surface of the demonic fate that’s coming for his town.

    If you’re going to war, you build an army and an arsenal.

    Easy and Jess call in reinforcements and grow their mystic resources as infected creatures turn on humanity. They discover a pestilence is headed toward Judith, and it’s doubtful they can deliver the cure.

    With the battle for the future of Judith descending upon them, Easy, Ben, and Jess are forced to fight harder and smarter than ever before, if they want to stay ahead of the bloodsucking enemy.

    Evolved Publishing presents the second book in the chilling Big Sky Terror series, where horror comes to life in the great state of Montana.


    Books by D.W. Hitz:

    • Big Sky Terror, Book 1: Judith’s Prophecy
    • Big Sky Terror, Book 2: Judith’s Blood
    • Big Sky Terror, Book 3: Judith’s Fall (Spring 2021)
    ©2020 Evolved Publishing LLC (P)2021 Evolved Publishing LLC

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