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  • Journey to the Ancient City

  • Minecraft Series
  • De : Mojang AB, Danny Lore
  • Durée : 6 h et 49 min

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Couverture de Journey to the Ancient City

Journey to the Ancient City

De : Mojang AB, Danny Lore
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    Jump back into the Overworld with the next blockbuster Minecraft novel, Journey to the Ancient City. An official Minecraft adventure!

    Opal has almost done it all – fighting monsters, protecting people from pillagers and even defeating the legendary Ender Dragon! But that’s all in the past. Now, Opal has hung up their adventuring hat and is living the life of a happy crafter, far more likely to build you a bed than fight a Wither. In fact, Opal has decided that their time is best spent building their Dream Manor outside the very village that displays the Ender Dragon Skull they brought back from the End!

    Meanwhile, Opal’s sister, Lisa, is beginning her own unique journey. She’s ready to be a hero. Just ask her. Or don’t … She’ll tell you anyway. She knows every single story ever told about her sibling, and probably a few other heroes as well. She has always admired her sister, Opal, but now it’s her turn to have an adventure!

    And that adventure might be bigger than she could ever have imagined. One day, a travelling adventure named Braun arrives in town, claiming to know how to defeat a Warden – a fearsome mob that not even Opal has defeated. Lisa jumps at the chance to join Braun on his epic quest, and Opal reluctantly agrees to accompany the duo – only to protect their sister, of course. But along the way, Opal might just rediscover their love of adventure, and realize that it’s even more fun when someone else is there to share in the story …

    ©2024 Mojang AB (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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