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  • Journey to Enlightenment Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

  • The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching and The Essence of Buddha
  • De : Dawn Bijin, Sienna Gill
  • Lu par : Deedee Ash
  • Durée : 1 h et 16 min

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Journey to Enlightenment Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

De : Dawn Bijin, Sienna Gill
Lu par : Deedee Ash
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    Journey to Enlightenment Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching and The Essence of Buddha

    Embark on a profound spiritual journey with the "Journey to Enlightenment Bundle." This 2-in-1 audiobook collection delves into the core teachings and wisdom of Buddhism, guiding you towards inner peace, spiritual awakening, and harmony.

    This bundle offers a cohesive and enriching exploration of Buddhist teachings. Whether you are new to Buddhism or seeking to deepen your practice, this collection provides the knowledge and tools to guide you on your spiritual journey. Each audiobook complements the other, offering a well-rounded understanding of Buddhist principles and practices.

    Immerse yourself in the wisdom of the Buddha and discover the path to inner peace, spiritual awakening, and harmony. This bundle emphasizes the transformative power of mindfulness, compassion, and meditation, providing a roadmap for integrating these practices into your life. By embracing the teachings within this collection, you can cultivate a more serene and enlightened existence.

    Begin your journey to enlightenment today with the "Journey to Enlightenment Bundle." Experience the profound benefits of Buddhist wisdom and take the first steps towards a more peaceful and harmonious life.

    ©2024 Online Agile LLC (P)2024 Online Agile LLC

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