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  • Job Loss and the Cutback Blues - A Journey of Grief, Uncertainty and Recovery After Being Let Go

  • De : Vickie J. Maris
  • Lu par : Vickie J. Maris
  • Durée : 5 h et 3 min

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Job Loss and the Cutback Blues - A Journey of Grief, Uncertainty and Recovery After Being Let Go

De : Vickie J. Maris
Lu par : Vickie J. Maris
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    Have you experienced a layoff? Are you going through grief from a loss? Are you a productive person who is now finding it hard to breathe on some days? Author, Vickie J. Maris, answered yes to those questions when she narrated this audio book on surviving a job loss and working through the associated grief. It is Job Loss and the Cutback Blues: A Journey of Grief, Uncertainty and Recovery After Being Let Go.

    In this memoir of the author’s own journey during and after job loss, you will:

    • Be reminded of the values in keeping in touch with your personal and professional network of friends and colleagues
    • See that you’re not alone in the emotions experienced after an employer tells you that you’re being let go
    • Learn of the results that can come from creating a positive and grateful heart while a new version of you is being created through loss
    • Laugh and cry with the author in her stories that illustrate the value of keeping a journal to reflect on the music, scripture, and words of wisdom of others that she heard while doing her best to stay engaged during a life-changing experience
    • Read personal illustrations of how faith is a foundation on which you can lean during uncertainty.
    • Gain clarity on the complexity of a job loss if your self-identity has been tied to an employer or a job.

    You have been prayed for already. The author has been praying that this audiobook reaches the people who will benefit from the stories, the examples of mind-set tools in action and the witness of Christian faith.

    If your heart is telling you that you are meant to be here in this moment, listening to this audiobook description, then don’t wait any longer.

    Scroll back to the top of this page, and take action.

    ©2018 Vickie J. Maris (P)2019 Vickie J. Maris

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