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  • Jesus the Son of Man

  • His Words and His Deeds as Told and Recorded by Those Who Knew Him
  • De : Kahlil Gibran
  • Lu par : Andy Robert
  • Durée : 4 h et 28 min

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Jesus the Son of Man

De : Kahlil Gibran
Lu par : Andy Robert
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    Kahlil Gibran was a profound Lebanese-American poet, philosopher, and artist whose work transcended cultural boundaries and touched the hearts and minds of millions worldwide. Born on January 6, 1883, in the mountain village of Bsharri, in what was then part of the Ottoman Empire (now Lebanon), he rose to become one of the most influential literary figures of the 20th century. His profound prose had impacted the lives of countless people, and his works have never been out of print.

    In Jesu, the Son of Man, Kahlil presents a fictionalized, or parabolic account of the life of Jesus Christ, through the eyes of others. In each of the 79 different accounts, Kahlil explores Jesus’ teachings, actions, and the influence he had on those around him. While Kahlil’s writings are not scripture, and he never claimed it to be such, they do provide a fascinating look into points of view that most of us would have never taken into consideration. It brings us to ask questions such as, How did the mother of Judas feel about Jesus? What about Mary’s neighbors? Or the keeper of the inn that sent Mary away to give birth to Jesus in the stable? These are fascinating questions, and the scenarios that Kahlil posits in this book, are truly unique and powerful.

    Jesus the Son of Man is a spiritual and philosophical exploration that invites readers to contemplate the deeper aspects of life, love, and spirituality. Gibran's poetic prose and timeless wisdom make the book a compelling listen for those seeking spiritual insights and a broader understanding of the world in which Jesus lived.

    Kahlil Gibran's ability to bridge cultural divides through his art and philosophy left an indelible impact on literature, spirituality, and the pursuit of universal truths. His profound words of wisdom continue to guide and uplift souls, making him a poetic prophet of humanity.

    ©2023 Alan Crookham (P)2023 Alan Crookham

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