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  • Jesus Is Not Republican

  • A Secular Liberal's Adventures with Religion, Politics and Sex
  • De : Kate Rice
  • Lu par : Lucy Zukaitis
  • Durée : 7 h et 34 min

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Jesus Is Not Republican

De : Kate Rice
Lu par : Lucy Zukaitis
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    This sassy memoir by a party girl with a broken heart takes an irreverent look at religious teachings that made her an easy victim of a love gone wrong. And in telling her story, she shows how the right hijacked Jesus—and gives moderates and progressives of all faiths and of no faith a recipe for taking back God, flag, and country.

    Here are revelations, Kate Rice style. For example, as the apostle Paul says (in ancient Greek), shit happens. (Corinthians 6; 1-13). Also, the Bible wasn’t written in English. It was written in Aramaic, Hebrew, and ancient Greek. A literal interpretation of the Bible is impossible.

    She introduces the tatted-up minister who preaches the joy of sex, church-going progressives standing strong in a rural America that is not as red as you think, and believers and nonbelievers who work together!

    This battle-scarred veteran of three different religions explains our nation’s wrestling match with religion, politics, and sex by viewing it through the prism of her own struggles. She pokes fun at hypocrites but shows love and respect for true people of faith. And then she gives us all a pep talk about what we can do to keep our nation one that guarantees freedom for all.

    ©2021 Kate Rice (P)2022 Kate Rice

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