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Couverture de Jersey Royal

Jersey Royal

De : C F White
Lu par : Piers Ryman
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    Can a humble farmer bag himself a true Jersey royal to save his farm...and steal his heart?

    Distant royal, Nicholas Osbourne, has one last chance to prove his worth to his wealthy family. A string of bad press over even worse relationships has him agreeing to star in a reality television series getting down and dirty with the ordinary folk. He can live a lie for a week. He’s been doing it for years.

    Jersey potato farmer, Alex Hamon, has no time nor patience to babysit a pretentious television crew, nor a work-shy, bratty rich-kid. But the hefty fee and potential promotional opportunities for his farm are too tempting to turn down. He just needs to keep his head in the soil, and not on how his under-the-radar gaydar is blinking overtime for the rogue royal.

    Nicholas is out of his depth. Distracted by the stunningly sexy farmer’s son, he’s unable to bury his attraction the way he has been back in London. But he’s on camera. Twenty-four-seven. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. His only saving grace is that the farmer’s son is straight…isn’t he?

    Jersey Royal is an opposites attract, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, rich v. poor, first-time contemporary MM romance, featuring an appearances-is-everything royal with a secret, and a temperamental potato farmer with a track record for burying things.

    ©2023 C F White (P)2023 C F White

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