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Couverture de Jeremiah 13 to Malachi 4

Jeremiah 13 to Malachi 4

De : David J. Ridges
Lu par : John Hopkinson
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    Understand the Old Testament as never before!

    The Old Testament is a most valuable book of scripture. It is the source of several favorite Bible stories many of us heard when we were growing up, such as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Noah and the Flood, David and Goliath, Ruth, Daniel in the Lions' Den, and many more. However, far beyond, it is a rich source of gospel doctrines and teachings of the plan of salvation. It teaches the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement of Christ in many ways and with rich illustrations, including in the law of Moses. It teaches the mercy and willingness of Jehovah, the premortal Jesus Christ, to forgive. It teaches and illustrates time and again what kinds of thinking and actions we need to avoid if we desire to remain firmly on the covenant path. And it teaches how to repent and return to Christ, whose arms of mercy are extended all the day long (Isaiah 65:2), inviting us to repent.

    In this third edition, noted teacher and gospel scholar David J. Ridges brings the Old Testament to life with his well-known teaching skills. It is much expanded over previous editions and includes almost all of the scripture reading blocks referenced in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Come, Follow Me for the Old Testament.

    ©2021 Cedar Fort Publishing and Media (P)2022 Cedar Fort Publishing and Media

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