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  • Jenna and the Legend of the White Wolf

  • The Ituria Chronicles, Book 3
  • De : J B Moonstar
  • Lu par : RJ Burns
  • Durée : 3 h et 9 min

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Jenna and the Legend of the White Wolf

De : J B Moonstar
Lu par : RJ Burns
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    Dive into a world filled with nature and self-discovery as Jenna finds herself part of the Legend of the White Wolf…

    A desperate call for help starts Jenna on a fast-paced journey to save Ituria, a unicorn trapped by hunters. After freeing him from the hunter’s cage, she must also protect him from a renegade wolf intent on taking over Ituria’s forest home.

    Jenna may be human in East Forest, but when she travels into the Middle Forest, she takes on another form: a large white wolf. Though she may look like a wolf, she doesn't fool all of the animals she encounters. Animals have many ways to identify and assess their environments, and every animal’s survival is dependent on its many senses. She will have to learn how animals think in order to earn the trust of the creature who lives in the cave.

    Join Jenna on her adventures in Middle Forest to rescue a unicorn with the help of the forest animals and a very large dragon. During her quest, Jenna learns how she fits into the Legend of the White Wolf and must decide if she is brave enough to see it through!

    This book contains themes of self-discovery, bravery, and environmental awareness and is great for early listeners interested in wolves and nature.

    ©2021 J.B. Moonstar (P)2023 J.B. Moonstar

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