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  • Jenna and the Eyes of Fire

  • The Ituria Chronicles, Book 4
  • De : JB Moonstar
  • Lu par : RJ Burns
  • Durée : 3 h et 2 min

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Jenna and the Eyes of Fire

De : JB Moonstar
Lu par : RJ Burns
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    Danger has returned to Middle Forest and Jenna’s back to the rescue!

    It has been a few months since Jenna rescued the unicorn Ituria from the hunters and fulfilled her part in the Legend of the White Wolf. Jenna’s grandfather has come to live with her family, but the hunters have returned, searching for a magical creature they claimed to have seen. She must answer the call for help and protect her new forest friends … without her grandfather or parents finding out.

    After Jenna learns that her grandfather has been to Middle Forest before, she realizes that his knowledge of the past can help with her mission. However, it also puts him in danger. She will have to find the balance and ask for help now that secrets are being revealed. How can she protect him and her friends without revealing her secret identity?

    Will the magic of the forest transform her back into a wolf to stop the hunters this time? And what if saving her grandfather from the hunter’s evil plans means Jenna must stop the hunter from ever leaving the forest again?

    Fans of nature and fantastical adventures will enjoy this book perfect for early listeners. With themes of family relationships, asking for help, friendship, and more, children can relate to and grow from Jenna’s story. Discover how you too can help the environment!

    ©2021 J.B. Moonstar (P)2022 J.B. Moonstar

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