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  • Jenna and the Broken Promise

  • The Ituria Chronicles, Book 9
  • De : JB Moonstar
  • Lu par : RJ Burns
  • Durée : 2 h et 7 min

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Jenna and the Broken Promise

De : JB Moonstar
Lu par : RJ Burns
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    Step into a mystical world filled with fantasy and adventure as Jenna defends her dragon friend from dangerous hunters!

    Middle Forest is once again being threatened by hunters and twelve-year-old Jenna is the only one who can help them. First Guard to Ituria, the shapeshifting dragon, Knocker, has encountered the hunters before—but in his human form.

    The hunters promised they would stop hunting, but now that they have discovered the forest where Knocker lives, they seem determined to break their word. The duo’s diabolical plot could ruin everything.

    Jenna races to discover their plans and stop them before they can find Knocker. With the help of her animal friends, she devises a plan to protect Knocker and Middle Forest, but will her courage, spirit, and a little magic be enough to save the day?

    ©2022 J.B. Moonstar (P)2023 J.B. Moonstar

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