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Couverture de Jeffanory


De : Jeff Stelling
Lu par : Jeff Stelling
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    Are you sitting comfortably? Then Jeff will begin.... The universally loved, award-winning host of Sky Sports' Soccer Saturday and Channel 4's Countdown, and author of the best-selling Jelleyman's Thrown a Wobbly, returns with a Jackanory-style, football-flavoured narrative which gathers together the funniest, weirdest, most tragic, most heartwarming, under-the-radar stories of the football season.

    The book is stuffed to the gunnels with behind-the-scenes revelations, opinions and personal anecdotes from Jeff, and has a strong leaning towards the absurdities of both the highest levels and the grassroots of the game. From the Macclesfield goalkeeper booked for using a golf tee to take his goal kicks, to the unintelligible ranting and raving of South American dictator chairmen, let Jeff be your trusted guide through the madness of the football season, and let Jeffanory supply you with a veritable treasure trove of great anecdotes to take to the pub.

    ©2012 Jeff Stelling (P)2012 Headline Digital

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