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  • Japanese Mythology

  • Classic Stories of Japanese Myths, Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Monsters, the Story of Princess Hase, Issun-Boshi, Momotaro, Kintaro, Kaguya Hime
  • De : Roberts Parizi
  • Lu par : Joshua
  • Durée : 4 h et 35 min

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Japanese Mythology

De : Roberts Parizi
Lu par : Joshua
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    Are you interested in learning about Japanese mythology? Are you intrigued by the culture of Japan? Are you looking for some interesting stories to read?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are going to want to continue reading.

    Japanese mythology, like most other mythology, has permeated a lot of their culture today. The stories are still told, and while it isn't taught in school like Greek mythology, it does provide a learning opportunity. Their mythology is filled with creation stories, stories of the Underworld, and many other magical stories. You will also find that a lot of their myths are similar to some of our mainstream fairy tales, such as Tom Thumb.

    This book is going to take you through several of their most popular myths, but not before discussing the history of Japanese mythology. Since the stories come from translations, there are words that we will go over to make sure that you can understand the stories. In this book, you will learn:

    • The history of Japanese mythology
    • What Kamis are and the role they play in the myths
    • Important words that you need to know
    • The story about the one-inch boy
    • The story about how the Gods were born
    • The creation story for day and night
    • The story about the strong boy
    • And much more

    These myths are great from adults and children alike. They give you an insight into a culture that is full of traditions. These myths are like nothing you have ever read before. You will find that Japanese mythology is not based in only one belief system. These myths and folktales are based in their Shinto and Buddhist traditions. The origin stories within Japanese mythology can vary.

    ©2020 Roberts Parizi (P)2020 Roberts Parizi

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