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  • Japanese American Incarceration

  • The Camps and Coerced Labor During World War II (Politics and Culture in Modern America)
  • De : Stephanie D. Hinnershitz
  • Lu par : Susanna Jiang
  • Durée : 13 h et 33 min

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Japanese American Incarceration

De : Stephanie D. Hinnershitz
Lu par : Susanna Jiang
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    Between 1942 and 1945, the U.S. government wrongfully imprisoned thousands of Japanese American citizens and profited from their labor. Japanese American Incarceration recasts the forced removal and incarceration of approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II as a history of prison labor and exploitation.

    Following Franklin Roosevelt's 1942 Executive Order 9066, which called for the exclusion of potentially dangerous groups from military zones along the West Coast, the federal government placed Japanese Americans in makeshift prisons throughout the country. In addition to working on day-to-day operations of the camps, Japanese Americans were coerced into harvesting crops, digging irrigation ditches, paving roads, and building barracks for little to no compensation and often at the behest of privately run businessesall in the name of national security.

    How did the U.S. government use incarceration to address labor demands during World War II, and how did imprisoned Japanese Americans respond to the stripping of not only their civil rights, but their labor rights as well? Using a variety of archives and collected oral histories, Japanese American Incarceration uncovers the startling answers to these questions. Stephanie Hinnershitz's timely study connects the government's exploitation of imprisoned Japanese Americans to the history of prison labor in the United States.

    The book is published by University of Pennsylvania Press. The audiobook is published by University Press Audiobooks.

    ©2021 University of Pennsylvania Press (P)2023 Redwood Audiobooks


    "Innovative and convincing...This bold interpretation forces a thoroughgoing rethink of the American carceral state." (John Howard, author of Concentration Camps on the Home Front)

    "Compels us to revise how we teach this tragic chapter in American history." (Erika Lee, author of America for Americans: A History of Xenophobia in the United States)

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