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Jackson James is a high school senior (Class of 2004), trying to live up to his science scholarship to Booker T. Washington in Tulsa, OK - one of the most prestigious schools in the nation. 

Growing up in a single parent household with limited means, Jackson has struggled to find his place amongst the private school elites. However, he is determined to make his name known. With aspirations to start his own hip-hop label with his best friend, Dillon Crutcher, as his first recording artist, he is ready to embrace his last year of high school, and all of the privileges that come with being top dog. 

But, all of that changed one night, when the unexpected happened. Little did he know, that would be the beginning of a journey that would take him through time.

Journey with him, as he discovers how his family and friends cope with his disappearance.

©2022 Samuel Delgado (P)2022 Samuel Delgado
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