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Couverture de Jackal in the Mirror

Jackal in the Mirror

De : V. Povall, D. Povall
Lu par : Jorjeana Marie
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    Eureka, California, the Victorian seaport famous for its paranormal stories and tales of hauntings is where psychic sleuth Sarah Thompson once again takes center state. She's thrust into a disturbing mystery when she finds an old book in a timeworn bookstore, and a terrifying scream escapes from its pages.

    The voice emanating from the book insists that Sarah must help. But refuses to say who, how, or why. The only clue it offers is an ominous novel filled with scenes of illicit passion, deception, and murder. When the book mysteriously transforms into a collection of poems, Sarah is stumped.

    Can she decipher the secrets held by the defiant spirit in the haunted book in time to prevent another murder?

    Away from the safety of her husband and home, Sarah is on her own to follow a perilous search to uncover the threat and save the lives of unsuspecting victims of a serial killer.

    ©2019 V. & D. Povall (P)2024 V. & D. Povall


    5 Stars Out of 5! Has the Reluctant Psychic met her match? Heart-stopping, fist-clenching action await those dare to open this book. Be prepared to sleep with the lights on!—Chanticleer Editorial Review.

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