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  • JJ the Gentle Guardian

  • Super Hero Children’s Book. Kindness. Empathy and Respect.
  • De : Aceey Donnello
  • Lu par : Danniele Reeves
  • Durée : 34 min

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Couverture de JJ the Gentle Guardian

JJ the Gentle Guardian

De : Aceey Donnello
Lu par : Danniele Reeves
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    JJ the Gentle Guardian will teach us about being nice and loving like JJ!

    In this adventure, we will discover that kindness is like a special present from God. We will hear stories from the Bible, like when Jesus shared food with lots of people and helped a stranger who was hurt. These stories will show us how being kind is a way to show love, just like God does.

    We will also see how Jesus was really kind to everyone He met. We will learn how He hugged children, helped sick people, and even shared His toys! And we will talk about how we can be kind too, like sharing our toys or helping a friend who is sad.

    Did you know it is important to be kind to ourselves too? God loves us no matter what, and we will talk about how we can be nice to ourselves by saying nice things and taking care of ourselves.

    We will also learn about forgiveness, which means being kind even when someone does something wrong. We will hear stories about how Jesus forgave people, even when they were mean to Him. We will learn that forgiving others can make us feel happy and free.

    Finally, we will become kindness heroes just like JJ the Gentle Guardian! We will talk about ways we can spread kindness every day, like saying kind words or helping someone who needs it. And we will remember that when we are kind, we are sharing God's love with others.

    ©2024 Henry ighofose (P)2024 Henry ighofose
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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