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Couverture de J.D. and the Family Business

J.D. and the Family Business

De : J. Dillard
Lu par : Tivia Lynnell
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    Eight-year-old kid barber J.D. joins forces with his sister, who has beauty shop dreams, in this hilarious chapter book series.

    J.D. is a barber battle champion. He's graduated from home haircuts to having a regular chair at the neighborhood shop, Hart and Son, and he's making enough money to keep his candy jar stocked and his comic book collection growing. And yet, J.D. knows it's time for his next challenge. He doesn't just want to be the best barber in Meridian, Mississippi - he wants to be the best barber in the state...and maybe the country! When his older sister, Vanessa, starts to gain a following online for her hair tutorials, the kids decide that to truly level up, they must join forces. How do two siblings with big personalities, big ambitions, and competitive spirits work together (or not) to take over the hair world?

    Check out the other chapter books in the J.D. the Kid Barber series:
    J.D. and the Great Barber Battle
    J.D. and the Hair Show Showdown

    ©2021 J. Dillard (P)2021 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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