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Couverture de Izzie Miracle Wish

Izzie Miracle Wish

De : Patricia E. Sandoval
Lu par : Doris Milošević, Frank Gerardvo
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    In the North Pole, Christmas Eve is a very big deal. All the elves gather around Santa Claus and wish him good luck as he leaves to deliver his many gifts. As soon as the sleigh bell rings, the elves stare at the Christmas star way up high, hoping that someday the bright, shining star will grant them a Christmas Eve wish.

    Izzie is an elf baker known for her delicious cookies, and she longs for the star to grant her wish. Of course, Izzie wants to deliver Christmas presents with Santa, but beyond the gifts in his bag, Izzie plans to bring gifts of her own: angels who will sing carols on top of every child's Christmas tree!

    Something amazing happens when Miracle Star arrives, ready to grant a wish. Is this Izzie's chance to make all her holiday dreams come true? This could be her one opportunity to bring peace, hope, and cheer to families all around the world.

    ©2020 Archway Publishing (P)2021 Patricia E. Sandoval
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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