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  • It’s Okay to Ghost Your Toxic Friend

  • 5 Simple Steps to Spot Toxic People and Get Rid of Them Without Feeling Guilty or Hurting Their Feelings
  • De : Joe Byrne
  • Lu par : Corrinne LePage
  • Durée : 2 h et 41 min

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It’s Okay to Ghost Your Toxic Friend

De : Joe Byrne
Lu par : Corrinne LePage
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    Have you ever had a friend in your life that caused you more misery than happiness? Maybe this friend is constantly asking to borrow your things. They tell you that it’ll just be one time, except that it’s not. It’s several times. And then your friend ends up needing more than just your time. It turns into your finances, your personal objects, and your obligations outside of the time that you spend with them. But you assure yourself that things will change. 

    How often have you seen this behavior bloom into something more than “just one time”? How many times have you promised yourself you were going to do something about a demanding friend who told you what you couldn’t do, what you couldn’t wear, or how you should behave? Look no further. You’ve found your solution. 

    In this book, you’ll learn the correct way to ghost your toxic friend by setting boundaries, allotting time for your self care, and how to make brand new friends. No more will feel like a sitting duck in your relationships. Learn how to take control of your life. Learn how to be fearless in what you won’t tolerate. Moving forward with confidence. You’ll learn the essential tactics on how to navigate your current relationships, and analyze what’s toxic and what’s not. Be able to point out if the toxic person in your life is a narcissist, or has been gaslighting you. Learn how to navigate specific situations in your life for the better. 

    Get the self-esteem that you’ve always wanted. Learn what attracts a toxic person, and what makes them go away for good. Buy now, and get your copy!

    ©2021 Joe Byrne (P)2021 Joe Byrne

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