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Couverture de It's All Sun and Games

It's All Sun and Games

De : Portia MacIntosh
Lu par : Karen Cass
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    The BRAND NEW laugh-out-loud, love triangle summer romantic comedy from MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER Portia MacIntosh!

    When Robin finds out she's going on a work trip to Italy she can't wait for a week away in the sunshine, away from the daily grind. So what if there's a client pitch to do while they're there? The thing Robin is most excited about is the chance to show her work crush, James, what she's really like outside of work, and divert his attention from Liz, her work rival.

    To make things even better, Robin realises that the town they're going to in Italy is the same place that her childhood penpal, Andrea is from. So it's the perfect time to re-connect and finally meet her old friend over some delicious Italian food and wine (between work obviously...) But when Andrea doesn't turn out to be the person Robin thought, things get a little complicated...

    So it's set to be a week of all sun and games... Until someone falls in love of course!

    A friends-to-lovers, only-one-bed, fake dating romance from million-copy bestseller Portia MacIntosh.

    ©2024 Portia MacIntosh (P)2024 Boldwood Books

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