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Couverture de Italy at Eighteen

Italy at Eighteen

De : Margie Miklas
Lu par : Margie Miklas
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    A personal story promising laughs, surprises, tears, and joy, and guaranteed to warm your heart! When a grandmother embarked on a two-week travel adventure to Italy with her eighteen-year-old twin granddaughters, Margie Miklas’s long-awaited dream became a reality. Excited to share her beloved Italia, she hoped to create a special experience they’d treasure for the rest of their lives.

    You’ll feel as if you’re traveling alongside them as they experience the thrills of a three-hour Vespa tour through Rome, design and paint artistic masks in Venice, observe skilled intarsia artisans at work in Sorrento, spend time with the cats of Torre Argentina, collect sea glass on the beaches of Positano, and learn to make authentic gelato in Sorrento. You’ll sense their joy on the nights they dance in Piazza Navona and wander through the darkened alleys in Venice. You’ll long for a taste of that delicious wood-fired pizza, and you might even wish you walked the sixty-five miles they traveled in Italy.

    During this life-changing and unparalleled experience, their special, familial relationship strengthened into an even closer and profound connection. Two adolescents touched their grandmother’s heart in ways that left her the gift of cherished memories from this emotionally rewarding journey.

    ©2024 Margie Miklas (P)2024 Margie Miklas

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