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Couverture de It Takes a Hero

It Takes a Hero

De : Elizabeth Boyle
Lu par : Susan Duerden
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    Rebecca will have to take a page from her own book to keep the dashing Rafe Danvers from spoiling her success.

    But how does one play hard-to-get with a man one cannot resist?

    Rebecca Tate never intended to cause a revolution with her notoriously popular Miss Darby novels, merely to earn enough to support herself and her ailing uncle. But now it seems every eligible debutante in London is emulating her spunky heroine and refusing to marry...ever! Still, Rebecca's enjoying her newfound success as Miss Darby's anonymous creator, and she's not about to let anyone interfere - not even the rakishly appealing Raphael Danvers.

    Having survived the perils of war and espionage, Rafe is less than thrilled by a disgruntled society matron's wish that he unmask the unknown author and halt the scandalous scribblings. The assignment becomes more attractive, however, when the trail leads to the enticing Miss Tate. Suddenly the dashing adventurer can't get enough of the charming troublemaker - and her resorting to some rather Darbyesque trickery to distract him serves only to intensify his desire. But will a rogue's determined pursuit result in a happy romantic ending...or lead them both into a dangerous intrigue?

    ©2004 Elizabeth Boyle (P)2020 Tantor

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