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  • It Started One Christmas & A Very Merry Princess

  • De : Susan Mallery
  • Lu par : Tanya Eby
  • Durée : 4 h et 40 min

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It Started One Christmas & A Very Merry Princess

De : Susan Mallery
Lu par : Tanya Eby
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    It Started One Christmas

    One crisp December night, Keira Carlesso takes in yet another stray - this time, a man.

    Dalton is a brilliant scientist with no home for the holidays. As Christmas works its magic, two strangers become friends, then best friends, then something much, much more....

    Susan Mallery’s heartwarming charmer proves that true love is the greatest Christmas gift of all!

    “Heartwarming...this book is sweet and will appeal to readers who enjoy the intricacies of family drama.” (Publishers Weekly on When We Found Home)

    A Very Merry Princess

    Celebrate the season with this warmhearted charmer from number one New York Times best-selling author Susan Mallery

    When Princess Bethany’s father, the king, sells one of his best stallions, she insists the animal get the royal treatment. Disguised as Beth Archer, a mere stable hand, she takes him to Happily Inc, California, a quaint wedding destination that’s especially sparkly over the holidays. Rich women have no place on Cade Saunders’s ranch. He wants a down-to-earth girl-next-door type - like Beth Archer. After a few cocoa-flavored kisses by the Christmas tree, Bethany begins to fall for her irresistibly handsome host. But will Cade still want her when he discovers she’s more familiar with a crown than a cowboy hat?

    “Delightfully flirtatious.” (Publishers Weekly on You Say It First)

    ©2019 Susan Mallery (P)2019 Harlequin Enterprises, Limited
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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