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Couverture de Isekai Crafter

Isekai Crafter

De : Marshal Carper
Lu par : Derek Austin
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    Stumbling upon a gate to a magical new world is a dream come true.

    At least, it should be. Marshal is a student who often retreats into manga to escape reality. What could he ask for but to be transported to a new fantasy world.

    But Marshal has fallen into a crafting world.

    He doesn’t play crafting games, and he doesn’t have much time to learn because he is immediately tasked with solving the mystery of the Llama Glama Gang, a failed pop group who has begun stealing historical artifacts from the town of Llamaldea.

    The Llama Glama Gang books are written for both kids and young adults who love Minecraft, but designed to be enjoyed by all. They are clean and age appropriate, with tales of grand fantasy adventure, crafting and creation, and friendship. Join Marshal on the quest of a lifetime, and then head to the Official Minecraft Marketplace to experience the world of Isekai Crafter in Minecraft!

    These easy-to-listen-to Minecraft books are great for kids ages 5-7, 8-10, 9-12, and 13-17!

    Disclaimer: This book is a work of fanfiction; it is not an official Minecraft book. It is not endorsed, authorized, licensed, sponsored, or supported by Mojang AB, Microsoft Corp. or any other entity owning or controlling rights to the Minecraft name, trademarks or copyrights. Minecraft ®/TM & © 2009-2024 Mojang / Notch / Microsoft

    ©2024 Aethon Books (P)2024 Aethon Books

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