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Couverture de Isaac Asimov's Guide to Earth and Space

Isaac Asimov's Guide to Earth and Space

De : Isaac Asimov
Lu par : Jon Lindstrom
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    A thrilling nonfiction tour of the cosmos that brings the universe down to Earth, from one of the all-time masters of science fiction.

    No one makes sense out of science like Isaac Asimov. Are you puzzled by pulsars? Baffled by black holes? Bewildered by the big bang? If so, here are succinct, crystal-clear answers to more than 100 of the most significant questions about the essential nature of the universe - questions that have fired the imagination since the beginning of history. 

    Over the course of this fantastic voyage, the origins, the discoveries, and the stunning achievements of astronomy will unfold before your eyes. You will experience close encounters with giant planets, exploding stars, distant galaxies, and more. For anyone who has ever asked the ultimate questions, who has ever looked up at the sky and asked What in heaven is going on?, Isaac Asimov's unique vision, skill, and authority will bring the big picture into focus.

    "A fine introduction to modern astronomical theory." (Library Journal)

    ©1991 Isaac Asimov (P)2020 Random House Audio

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