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  • Invisible Friends

  • How Microbes Shape Our Lives and the World Around Us
  • De : Jake Robinson
  • Lu par : Jake Robinson
  • Durée : 9 h et 49 min

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Invisible Friends

De : Jake Robinson
Lu par : Jake Robinson
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    As we continue to live through a pandemic, all eyes are on microbes: an imperceptible and pervasive threat that hangs heavy on the air and clings to surfaces. But the reality of micro-organisms is far more diverse and life-sustaining than such a notion would have us believe (hence the title of this audiobook).

    Not only are they omnipresent, but we are highly attuned to their workings–both in the world at large and right here within our own bodies. Meanwhile, cutting-edge microbiome research is changing our understanding of reality, challenging fundamental concepts of free will and individuality. Threaded through everything are microbes: the very glue that holds ecosystems together.

    This topical, engaging, and original audiobook counters the prevailing narrative of microbes as the bane of society, along the way providing much-needed clarity on the overwhelmingly beneficial role they play. We discover how the microbiome is highly relevant to environmental and social equity issues, while there’s also discussion about how microbes may influence our decisions: even the way we think about how we think may need to be revisited. Invisible Friends introduces the listener to a vast, pullulating cohort of minute life–friends you never knew you had.

    ©2003 Jake M. Robinson (P)2003 Pelagic Publishing

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