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  • Intuitive Eating

  • A Revolutionary Diet Program to Unlock Your Mind and Build a Healthy Relationship with Food Mindful Eating
  • De : David Jones
  • Lu par : Kenneth Ellison, Sheila Stockton
  • Durée : 7 h et 18 min

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Intuitive Eating

De : David Jones
Lu par : Kenneth Ellison, Sheila Stockton
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    Make the first step towards a more balanced life with "Intuitive eating"!

    Diets rely on 'willpower' to try to forcefully control your body and eating habits. With this revolutionary guide is different!
    The concept of mindful eating is increasingly becoming popular in the modern-day world, perhaps, because of the downsides that have been observed with the opposite of mindful eating, that is mindless eating.
    With this guide, you will be able to build a brand new relationship with food and learn how to promote health and wellness.

    This audiobook will give you:

    - History Of Intuitive Eating
    - Creating a healthy inner dialogue
    - Honoring your body through physical movement, lifestyle, and self-respect
    - A mindful living plan
    - Breaking your very unhealthy relationship with food
    - Habits of people with a healthy relationship to food
    - And much more...

    Problem eating is a danger and you already know that you need to act before it gets completely out of control.
    A different program, a simple, step-by-step guide that will help end your battle with food once and for all. Overcome fears regarding listening to your body and learn how to master intuitive eating for natural weight loss. Get this audiobook now if you want to learn how to use intuitive eating to soothe your soul!
    Buy now "Intuitive Eating"!

    ©2020 David Jones (P)2020 David Jones

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