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  • Intuitive Eating

  • Think Intuitively! Developing a Healthy Relationship Towards Food. Stop Unnecessary Craving and Say Yes to Intuitive Eating
  • De : Manuel Nestor Eagle
  • Lu par : Kenzy S. Taha
  • Durée : 4 h et 47 min

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Intuitive Eating

De : Manuel Nestor Eagle
Lu par : Kenzy S. Taha
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    You are one click away from understanding how to develop a positive relationship with food, stop unnecessary craving, stop mindless eating, and ultimately live a healthier life through intuitive eating!

    We all have had times when we mindlessly eat or drink something, only to realize we’ve finished it long after we’ve actually done so. It seems as if someone ate everything, and we are left wondering whether we ate or drank everything. And if you’ve experienced that before, you probably already know just how frustrated you’ve felt for maybe finishing an entire bowl of ice cream, packet of potato chips, or biscuits in one session when you thought you could take it over a few days. And when the numbers on the scale or tape keep increasing because of your mindless eating, this only worsens an otherwise bad situation.

    It can feel like a helpless situation when you just cannot seem to take control over your eating. Feeling as if you go on a trance whenever you start eating is not fun and is frustrating.

    What do you do? How can you take full control over what you eat and how much you eat? How do you develop the awareness to know when you’ve had enough so that you stop when you still have time? How do break away from the trance-like state that you get into whenever you start eating to ensure you no longer have to wonder where all the food went? How do you develop a healthy relationship with food to ensure you never have to get carried away whenever you are eating?

    If you have these and other related questions, what you need is intuitive eating! And this audiobook will introduce you to the whole concept of intuitive eating, covering the ins and outs of intuitive eating, how to effectively eat intuitively, stop mindless cravings, and develop a healthy relationship with food in simple, easy-to-follow language to help you to start applying what you learn to change your life.

    ©2019 Manuel Nestor Eagle (P)2020 Manuel Nestor Eagle

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