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Couverture de Introductory German

Introductory German

De : Felix Hoffmann
Lu par : Felix Hoffmann
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    Start learning German, a language rich in history and used by millions around the world, with this 5-session course designed specifically for complete beginners. This course is ideal for learners who wish to develop their speaking and understanding skills in German, enabling them to communicate confidently in various daily situations.

    This beginner's course places a strong emphasis on oral communication and auditory learning. You will start by acquiring essential communication skills through structured audio lessons that guide you through the basics of German pronunciation and useful expressions, with a focus on commonly used words and phrases. As you progress, the course introduces broader vocabulary, tailored to help you navigate social interactions, travel, and everyday tasks effectively.

    German is one of the most widely spoken languages in Europe, but also a significant language in the global business community, making it an invaluable addition to your linguistic repertoire. It is the official language in Germany, Austria, and Liechtenstein, and one of the official languages of Switzerland and Luxembourg, providing a gateway to various cultures and opportunities.

    Throughout the course, you engage with a range of commonly used content, enhancing your listening and speaking skills. This method ensures that you can learn phrases that you can easily put to use.

    Our expert narrators deliver clear, engaging content that is accessible anytime, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience. Their guidance is complemented by interactive exercises that reinforce each lesson and test your comprehension.

    ©2024 Felix Hoffmann (P)2024 Historical Audiobooks

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