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Couverture de Into the Grey

Into the Grey

De : Celine Kiernan
Lu par : Gerard Doyle
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    "I think the fire changed us - me and Dom. I think that's how the goblin-boy was able to see us."

    After their nan accidentally burns their home down, twin brothers Pat and Dom must move with their parents and baby sister to the seaside cottage they've summered in, now made desolate by the winter wind. It's there that the ghost appears - a strange boy who cries black tears and fears a bad man, a soldier, who is chasing him. Soon Dom has become not-Dom, and Pat can sense that his brother is going to die, and their overwhelmed parents can't see what's happening. Isolated and terrified, Pat needs to keep his brother's cover while figuring out how to save him, drawing clues from his own dreams and Nan's long-ago memories, confronting a mystery that lies between this world and the next - within the Grey. With white-knuckle pacing and a deft portrayal of family relationships, Celine Kiernan offers a taut psychological thriller that is sure to haunt listeners long after it has ended.

    ©2014 Celine Kiernan, first U.S. edition published by Candlewick Press (P)2014 Brilliance Audio, all rights reserved..

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