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Couverture de Into the Fire

Into the Fire

De : Lindsey Pogue, Lindsey Fairleigh
Lu par : Natalie Duke
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    The second book in THE ENDING SERIES.

    The Virus changed them, but that was only the beginning... ...death...mutation...insanity...corruption...terror... ...all that remains is hope.

    In the wake of destruction left behind by the Virus, it took Dani and Zoe months to find each other. But their reunion was short-lived. Dani has been taken, and though little distance separates them, they might as well be worlds apart. From the moment she hears Dani's scream, Zoe's only goal is to save her best friend. She and her companions scramble to come up with a rescue plan, but when a ghost from Jake's past reappears, lines are blurred, decisions become harder, and secrets are revealed...and some secrets are best left buried. To keep heartache and fear from consuming her, Zoe must cling to her determination. She WILL see Dani again.

    Dani awakens inside the final hold-out of civilization: the Colony. Remnants of the former world surround her--electricity, safety, social order--but all is not what it seems. As she faces her most manipulative adversary yet, she loses sight of who she is and who she can trust. Friends become enemies, enemies become allies, and allies will betray her. Dani will have to decide what she's willing to do and whose lives she's willing to risk if she is to have any chance of breaking free.

    Into The Fire is the second installment in the bestselling post-apocalyptic sci-fi series The Ending, that picks up where After The Ending left off. It is fast paced, has a lot of action, Crazies linger around every corner, and secrets come to life that will change Dani and Zoe's worlds forever...all with a touch of romance.

    Continue listening to Dani and Zoe's adventures today!

    ©2013 L2 Books (P)2014 L2 Books

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