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Couverture de Intimacy with God

Intimacy with God

De : Randy Clark, Bill Johnson - foreword, Kathie Lee Gifford
Lu par : Milton Bagby
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    What does it mean to pursue an intimate relationship with God?

    Intimacy, obedience, and the miraculous as a blueprint for all believers. Combining sound biblical teaching with keen insight and compelling personal accounts from others, Dr. Clark invites us to go deeper by exploring the following questions:

    • How do we achieve true intimacy in our relationship with God?
    • What does it mean to express faith that results in the miraculous?
    • What does the Bible say about the balance between obedience and grace?

    A clear understanding of the integral relationship between intimacy and obedience provides a framework in today’s world for glorifying God, particularly through the miraculous, as Dr. Clark has so profoundly demonstrated during his many years of ministry. He longs for you to renew your knowledge of God’s deep love for his children and how fervently God desires a life of intimate friendship with you.

    ©2021 Randy Clark (P)2021 Thomas Nelson

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Intimacy with God

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    Well written

    A must for those who want to know what is nowadays still possible when one gets to an intimate relationship with God.

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