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Couverture de Internal Family Systems Therapy, Second Edition

Internal Family Systems Therapy, Second Edition

De : Richard C. Schwartz, Martha Sweezy
Lu par : Brian Arens
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    Now significantly revised with over 70 percent new material, this is the authoritative audio presentation of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, which is taught and practiced around the world.

    IFS reveals how the subpersonalities or parts of each individual's psyche relate to each other like members of a family, and how - just as in a family - polarization among parts can lead to emotional suffering. IFS originator Richard Schwartz and master clinician Martha Sweezy explain core concepts and provide practical guidelines for implementing IFS with clients who are struggling with trauma, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, and other behavioral problems. They also address strategies for treating families and couples. IFS therapy is listed in SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices.

    Internal Family Systems Therapyis deftly narrated by Brian Arens, a listener favorite.

    Produced and published by Echo Point Books & Media, an independent bookseller in Brattleboro, Vermont.

    ©2020 The Guilford Press (P)2024 Echo Point Books & Media, LLC

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