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Couverture de Intention


De : Andrew Wallas, Business Alchemy Limited
Lu par : Andrew Wallas
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    Intention is the seed of all change and it is the creative power that fulfils our dreams. An intention contains the DNA of manifestation and it is therefore the key to creating the life you want. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, and so the only way to shift reality is to start with what is inside us.

    According to research, 92% of new year resolutions fail by the end of the year. The only way to reverse this trend is to go deeper.

    This powerful book guides you through a process of practical self-enquiry that gets to the true heart of your intentions for this life. You will weed out the obstacles in the way of your wishes, such as limiting self-beliefs and the stories you currently tell about yourself. You will plant the seeds of intention with a sense of true clarity and infinite possibility, and then water them with your daily actions and care. And then all that needs to be done is to trust in the outcome and allow your intentions to grow.

    Intention is for anyone who wishes to align their life with their innermost wishes and tap into the most underrated power in the universe.

    ©2019 Andrew Wallas (P)2019 Octopus Publishing Group


    "It is a joy to find a life-changing book that is so clearly and beautifully written. Andrew Wallas distils decades of clinical practice with wisdom and a deceptively light touch. The overall message is strong. We are each responsible for our own path to happiness, and Intention is the inspiring guidebook that can help us to find it." (Georgia Coleridge, author of The Chakra Project)

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