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Couverture de Intelligent Fitness

Intelligent Fitness

De : Simon Waterson
Lu par : Simon Waterson
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    Drawing on his vast experience as the elite trainer who transformed Daniel Craig’s physique for five James Bond films, Simon Waterson reveals how to enhance your energy, sleep and confidence with his intelligent approach to fitness.

    A former marine, and now the film industry’s most in-demand fitness trainer, Simon Waterson’s client list reads like a who’s who of A-list actors. He has transformed Daniel Craig into the formidable James Bond for five blockbuster films, shaped Chris Evans into superhero Captain America, trained Chris Pratt for Guardians of the Galaxy and prepared actors such as Thandie Newton and John Boyega for the recent Star Wars films. Sharing his practical and highly accessible approach to reimagining your body and transforming your fitness, Simon encourages you to focus on training, recovery and nutrition to build on your performance, rather than aesthetic. This is a training manual for any age and any fitness level, packed with expert advice and achievable goals that will motivate you to reboot your body.

    ©2022 Simon Waterson (P)2021 W F Howes


    “Without Simon Waterson’s help and guidance, I literally wouldn’t have made it through 15 years of playing James Bond.... It’s been an honour working with him.” (Daniel Craig)

    “Working with Simon is the nearest you get to actually being a superhero, in the sense you are at your absolute peak of physical health. That makes you feel incredibly robust in these challenging times.” (Benedict Cumberbatch)

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