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Couverture de Integral Psychedelic Therapy

Integral Psychedelic Therapy

De : Jason A. Butler - edited by, Genesee Herzberg - edited by, Richard Louis Miller - edited by
Lu par : David Lee Garver
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    Integral Psychedelic Therapy is a groundbreaking, evidence-based collection that explores how psychedelic medicine can be incorporated into contemporary psychotherapy.

    This book builds on current psychedelic research by providing an in-depth articulation of the practice of psychedelic therapy, weaving together a variety of complementary therapeutic frameworks, case examples, and practical guidance for cultivating a highly effective, ethically grounded, integral approach. Chapters by a diverse set of practicing psychotherapists and leading researchers aim to provide practitioners with a method that centers liberation of all dimensions of being through intersectional, client-centered, trauma-informed, and attachment-focused practices, alongside thoughtful attunement to the relational, somatic, imaginal, cultural, and transpersonal dimensions of healing.

    Integral Psychedelic Therapy will be essential listening for psychotherapists in practice and in training as well as those seeking personal healing and holistic transformation.

    ©2024 Jason A. Butler, Genesee Herzberg, and Richard Louis Miller (P)2024 Tantor

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