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  • Insulin Resistance Diet

  • Reduce Insulin Resistance, Lower the Risk for Diabetes, and Enjoy a Healthy, Fit Body
  • De : Elena Miller
  • Lu par : Katrina Leffler
  • Durée : 3 h et 50 min

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Insulin Resistance Diet

De : Elena Miller
Lu par : Katrina Leffler
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    The hard disease - diabetes type-2 - occurs when your cells don't respond to insulin anymore. Insulin is the important hormone that tells your cells to store the sugars that float in your blood after a meal. If your cells won't store this sugar - you will die. Unless you would like to track your sugar levels every day, inject insulin to your blood vessels, and limit yourself to eat whatever you'd like - the insulin resistance diet is vital for you!

    In Insulin Resistance Diet, you will get a step-by-step guide to reduce insulin resistance, lower your risk to get type-2 diabetes, and become leaner and stronger!

    Here are just a few of the benefits you will get from the insulin resistance diet:

    • Secure yourself from getting type-2 diabetes with delicious recipes
    • Burn fat, lose weight, and increase muscle mass
    • Unlike other insulin-resistance books, you will find a complete step-by-step guide for beginners, simple and easy recipes everybody can cook, and genius tips you can implement in your life starting today
    • Be proud of your body, your health, and your future
    • Enjoy a sexier body, reduce your risk to get diabetes, and become super healthy!

    I've never been able to stick to a diet. Will this audiobook work for me?
    The problem with "diets" is that they try to create massive changes too soon for people who can't sustain them. In Insulin Resistance Diet, you will learn how to smoothly build healthy eating habits that will stick, will not require a lot of effort, and will improve your health tremendously.

    Can this audiobook help me lose weight?
    Absolutely! This audiobook contains delicious weight-loss recipes that will help you lose weight and reduce your insulin resistance.

    Take action now! Discover the insulin resistance diet!

    ©2019 Dario Scattarelli (P)2019 Dario Scattarelli

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