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Couverture de Inspector Steine

Inspector Steine

De : Lynne Truss
Lu par : Michael Fenton Stevens, Jan Ravens, Matt Green, John Ramm, Samantha Spiro, full cast
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    All four series of Lynne Truss's comedy thrillers set in 1950s Brighton - plus Christmas special

    Brighton, 1957: a sunny seaside resort with a sinister underbelly. This den of villainy is policed by the touchingly innocent Inspector Steine, who naively believes he wiped out all the hoodlums in the Middle Street Massacre six years earlier. Can long-suffering Sergeant Brunswick and keen Constable Twitten persuade him that a criminal mastermind is at large - and that the station's charlady, Mrs Groynes, might bear investigation?

    Inspector Steine - A headless corpse on the ghost train, a murdered theatre critic, a bank robbery and a beautiful fish-and-chip-shop owner spell trouble for the hapless Inspector. Meanwhile, a deranged criminal escapes from Broadmoor seeking revenge...

    The Casebook of Inspector Steine - A matinee at the Hippodrome gives Mrs Groynes an idea, a day out in a vintage car proves eventful, Brunswick organises a police open day and goes undercover in a girls' school, and Steine meets a shady aristocrat - and finds his life in danger.

    The Adventures of Inspector Steine - When his chance to shine is scuppered by Steine, Brunswick wants to kill him. But is he behind the attempts on Steine's life - or could it be the Unknown Villain, or old adversary Mrs Vine? Events are further complicated by a criminal convention and the reappearance of Brunswick's old flame, Doris...

    The Return of Inspector Steine - Second World War bomb disposal hero Captain Hoagland limps into the station, with an award for Sergeant Brunswick and a head in a box. The latter is a warning that Adelaide Vine is back - and sadistic criminal Terence Chambers is heading for Brighton too, hell bent on havoc.

    Christmas for Inspector Steine - It is December 1957, the year of the Queen's inaugural Christmas broadcast and Mrs Groynes' first seasonal celebrations with new husband Captain Hoagland. But only Twitten has the festive spirit...

    Michael Fenton Stevens stars as Inspector Steine, with John Ramm as Sergeant Brunswick, Matt Green as Constable Twitten and Jan Ravens and Samantha Spiro as Mrs Groynes.

    Production credits
    Written by Lynne Truss
    Produced and directed by Karen Rose and Marilyn Imrie
    Original music by Anthony May
    Sound design: David Thomas
    A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4

    Starring Michael Fenton Stevens as Inspector Steine, John Ramm as Sergeant Brunswick, Matt Green as Constable Twitten and Jan Ravens and Samantha Spiro as Mrs Groynes

    Maisie - Carla Mendonça/Rachel Atkins
    Georgie/BBC announcer/Chaplain/Albert/Bobby/Cecil/Pierre/Diamond Tony - David Holt
    Boy - Cameron Cleaver
    Stanley/Bouncer - Michael Roberts
    Cook - Allan Corduner
    Johnnie - Jason Hughes
    Ruby - Carolyn Backhouse
    Ventriloquist Vince/Warder - Kim Wall
    Adelaide Vine/Gloria's mother - Janet Ellis
    Brian the Brain/Mystery guest/Terence Chambers - Ewan Bailey
    Rudi - Ethan Brook
    Doris - Rachel Atkins
    Roy - Will Keen
    Hinge - Nicholas Le Prevost
    Phyllis - Michelle Tate
    Female panellist - Sophie Dearlove
    Lord Melamine - Mark Heap
    Jupiter - Philip Jackson
    Unknown Villain - Adrian Bower
    Roy - Douglas Hodge
    Captain Hoagland - Robert Bathhurst

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 26 January-2 March 2007 (Inspector Steine), 4 April-9 May 2008 (The Casebook of Inspector Steine), 2 September-30 October 2009 (The Adventures of Inspector Steine), 17 October-21 November 2011 (The Return of Inspector Steine), 23 December 2013 (The Christmas of Inspector Steine)

    ©2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd


    "Delicious fun." (Sunday Times)

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