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  • Insight Out

  • Get Ideas Out of Your Head and into the World
  • De : Tina Seelig
  • Lu par : Eliza Foss
  • Durée : 5 h et 12 min

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Insight Out

De : Tina Seelig
Lu par : Eliza Foss
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    In this revolutionary guide, Stanford University professor and international best-selling author of inGenius adapts her popular course material to teach everyone how to make imaginative ideas into realities.

    As a leading expert on creativity, Tina Seelig has continually explored what we can do to unleash our entrepreneurial spirits. In Insight Out she offers us the tools to make our ideas into realities. She clearly defines the concepts of imagination, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurism, showing how they affect each other and how we can unlock the pathway from imagination to implementation, where our ideas then gain the power to inspire the imaginations of others.

    Drawing on more than a decade of experience as a professor at the Stanford University School of Engineering, Seelig shows listeners how to work through the steps of imagination, ideation, innovation, and implementation, using each step to build upon the last, to ultimately create something complex, interesting, and powerful. Coping with today's constant change, everyone needs these skills to conquer challenges and seize the opportunities that arise. Seelig irrefutably demonstrates that these skills can be taught and shows us how to mobilize our own energy and bring new ideas to life.

    ©2015 Tina Seelig (P)2015 HarperCollins Publishers

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