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Couverture de Inside the Body of God

Inside the Body of God

De : Karen Curry Parker
Lu par : Rosemary Benson
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    Inside the Body of God reveals a step-by-step system that helps you master the science of Alchemy: change your limiting beliefs and deep conditioning into a joyous expression of your creativity in alignment with your Divinity. When you are no longer a victim of life, experiencing an Earth fraught with sparse resources, suffering, and fighting, you create Heaven on Earth in partnership with God and all things Divine. Life is intended to be easy and effortless. You are being invited to participate in a new quantum reality that requires you to activate the Divinity within and serve as a cocreator of a powerful new Earth. This book teaches you how to initiate and activate that alchemical process.

    ©2017 Karen Curry Parker and GracePoint Matrix, Publishing Division (P)2021 Tantor

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