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De : A.H. Hadley
Lu par : Christina Cato
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The meeting of allied nations should have been something to celebrate. Instead, Sal dreads what will happen when Dominik Jens, the King of Anglia, arrives. If her court martial isn't over, he'll hear every last detail about how she betrayed him. From her own lips, she'll have to tell him that she was the assassin who put him on his throne.

And that will destroy the only ally the iliri have—unless the Blades can find a way to stop this. The Conglomerate only cares about their political aspirations, but for the Black Blades, this is worth fighting for.

Parliament's only option is to disband the Blank Blades before they rebel. Never mind that the elite military unit saved their country over and over. When the iliri's "immoral" lifestyle is brought to light, one Representative claims it's proof that the beasts need humans to control them. And while prejudice has always been stronger than logic, there's one thing even stronger: trust.

That's the only thing that can hold their pack together now. The Blades must trust their ancestors, their fellow countrymen, and those who are willing to risk everything for the chance to defeat the Emperor—but he's always one step ahead.

** A.H. Hadley is the fantasy persona of the international best selling author Auryn Hadley. Only the pen name has changed, the stories you'll enjoy have not changed.

Like all the books in this series, Rise of the Iliri is a complete epic science-fantasy novel, without a cliffhanger. Because of adult content, this may make it unsuitable for humans under 18.

©2022 A.H. Hadley (P)2024 A.H. Hadley
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