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Couverture de Initiation, Human and Solar

Initiation, Human and Solar

De : Alice A Bailey
Lu par : Lynn Cariddi
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    The theme of "initiation" appears in various relationships throughout this series of books. An initiation is an expansion of consciousness - a means of opening the mind and heart to a recognition of what already exists in reality.

    It is, therefore, a result of the ability to transcend those glamours and illusions which veil the truth and limit the consciousness. As a living process, initiation is experienced by all forms of life, large and small, from the universal to the particular. The process of initiation in our solar system is based on a pattern which is duplicated and reflected within the whole, and throughout all its many parts.

    It could be called the thread of living energy, accepted and woven into the whole tapestry by each unit of consciousness in the creation of an ultimate synthesis. The Path of Initiation, therefore, is the Path of the Antahkarana.

    ©1922,1951,1979 Lucis Trust (P)1980 Lucis Trust

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