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  • Inheritance: The Lost History of Mary Davies

  • A Story of Property, Marriage and Madness
  • De : Leo Hollis
  • Lu par : Taryn Bishop
  • Durée : 9 h et 53 min

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Inheritance: The Lost History of Mary Davies

De : Leo Hollis
Lu par : Taryn Bishop
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    In June 1701, a young widow, Mary Grosvenor, wakes up in a hotel room in Paris and finds a man in her bed. Within hours, they are married. Yet three weeks later, Mary fled to London and swore that she had never agreed to the wedding. So begins one of the most intriguing stories of madness, tragic passions and the curse of inheritance.

    Inheritance charts the forgotten life of Mary Grosvenor, born in London during the Great Plague of 1665, and the land that she inherited as a baby. This estate would determine the course of her tragic life. Hollis restores this history of child brides, mad heiresses, religious controversy and shady dealing. The drama culminated in a court case that determined not just the state of Mary’s legacy but the future of London itself. Today, Mary’s inheritance is some of the most valuable real estate in the world; and her family, the Dukes of Westminster.

    ©2021 Leo Hollis (P)2021 W F Howes

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