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Couverture de Inheritance


De : Darrell Dennis, Daniel Arnold, Medina Hahn
Lu par : Darrell Dennis, Daniel Arnold, Medina Hahn, Michelle Bardach
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    Three people—Indigenous, immigrant, and settler—journey over dangerous terrain in a race against time, and each other, to gain control of a vast parcel of land. YOU decide how events unfold, ultimately determining how the land is stewarded, and by whom.

    An urban couple are on a getaway to visit her father at his vast rural estate. But when they arrive, they find him missing and a local Indigenous man staying there instead. They ask him to leave . . . and with a click on your device, you choose what happens next.

    When it’s revealed that the colonial rights to this entire property are actually up for grabs, you must continue to decide how the story unfolds.

    Inheritance is an interactive audio-drama specially adapted from the award-winning and published stage play, replete with all of the same humor and suspense as the live production. With over fifty possible variations, it’s unlike any journey you’ve been on before. The choices you make along the way give you the power to pick your path and, ultimately, decide the fate of these three people and the piece of land they’re vying for.

    ©2023 Darrell Dennis, Daniel Arnold, and Medina Hahn (P)2023 Doubleday Canada

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