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Infinity and our Unbounded Universe: The Big Bang Never Happened (The Crazy and Out of the Box Series)

De : Martin K. Ettington
Lu par : Martin K. Ettington
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The concept of infinity has been around since the ancients, and it has many practical applications in mathematics like Calculus.

Infinity is also important in Fractals, which are a graphical algorithm used in many computer graphics applications today, and has infinite depth.

It is also applicable to our universe since the standard concept we are taught about the Big Bang as the beginning of the universe may be wrong.

Modern evidence is showing us contradictions which say that we live in a universe which is in a steady state and might even be infinite in size. The universe doesn’t have a creation date we can be sure of.

We don’t really know if it is infinite in size, but the universe is certainly much larger and older than our best scientific instruments can measure.

This audiobook is an exploration of infinity and new understandings of our universe which have come to light in recent decades.

©2022 Martin K. Ettington (P)2022 Martin K. Ettington
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