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  • Inferno

  • Benson First Responders, Book 9
  • De : Lisa Phillips
  • Durée : 10 h

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Couverture de Inferno


De : Lisa Phillips
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    An epic finale.
    Detective Samantha Jesse is determined to hold on to what she has. Whenever she gets too happy, life corrects that mistake and takes the joy from her. Her new partner, Detective Romeo Alvarez, was there the day of the biggest correction, but despite his assertions, that doesn’t mean they’re forever connected. Unless her worst fears come true and he changes his ways because he fell in love at first sight with her sister, Bristol. As if Samantha needs that complication in her quiet life.

    A love rekindled.
    Fire Department Captain Julio Espinoza-Vasquez has never let go of the love of his life. Raised by deaf parents, he sees the world in ways no one else around him ever will. And he’ll put it all on the line to protect his colleagues—the family that the department has given him. When a spate of suspicious fires and one death make it clear something is happening in Benson, Julio lands on an inter-department task force. Working with Samantha is his one shot at getting her back.

    As the hunt for the arsonist turns to targeted attacks, Julio puts it all on the line to save Samantha while she investigates these deadly crimes. Only together can they uncover the culprit.
    But not before Benson becomes an inferno.

    Each Benson First Responders book is a stand-alone Christian Romantic Suspense.

    ©2024 Lisa Phillips (P)2024 Recorded Books

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