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  • Incredible Lives and the Courage to Live Them

  • Thoughts of a Third Culture Kid therapist
  • De : Rachel Cason
  • Lu par : Rachel Cason
  • Durée : 3 h et 39 min

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Incredible Lives and the Courage to Live Them

De : Rachel Cason
Lu par : Rachel Cason
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    If you are an adult TCK, you probably sense that the multicultural, high mobility experiences of your childhood continue to impact your life in some way now. Making sense of the impact of these experiences, however, can feel overwhelming, especially if we have long experience of our stories being met with bafflement and incredulity. My hope is that this collection of my thoughts over the last seven years of working with Third Culture Kids will create space for you to explore and make sense of the incredible life you’ve lived. As you listen, I hope that you feel the invitation of community and belonging where you see your personal experience shared by so many others. So get comfortable, know you are oh-so welcome, and enjoy the journey!

    This audiobook is for you, offered with love and care to you from this TCK therapist. Rachel Cason was born in Niger, growing up between the mission field and city life “at home” in England, with a year or so in France as a teenager. Consciously not-belonging to any of the cultural landscapes she moved between, sociology became a lifeline when she realized it could make sense of her experiences in liminal spaces. An early observer of group dynamics, Rachel’s current focus is on working with adult TCKs to honor their stories so far, and compassionately support any changes they want to make for their future chapters. When she’s not working, she’s writing her own story - whose particular adventure right now is focused on settledness. To date this looks like getting to grips with home improvements, building local connection, exploring local landscapes, delighting in family life, and figuring out her relationship with her cat! Settling in a small Lincolnshire town has been her biggest adventure so far, with many trips, stumbles and clumsy successes that continue to challenge and enrich her story.

    ©2023 Rachel Cason (P)2024 Rachel Cason

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